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I am working on a new project for DVF in Illustration and Animation.

It was a lot of scans but it s really important for me. I just felt the need to share it. Along with illustration and comic i truly love fashion and the restauration and so many thing as well with books and lettering, Those are my main love. I wanted to share those two books about DVF because there is more than fashion but a real philanthropist vision in it. I believe it was full of inspiration of course, but more than that, it also a life vision. I believe that everything is possible and "The woman that I wanted to be",articulated thoughts that I had in mind for a long time.

I would like to share it for all the woman or girls that feel stock in their life or would like more or would like to accomplish something. Then those are really must have. The wrap dress is of course iconic, but its more than a dress. For now i am totally out of money but i hope that with my first big pay check i will be capable of buying one. It s really more than a simple dress but as well a dress that do "make you feel like a woman".

The jersey does embody you and take your best body lines and reveal them. The right cut can actually fit on all the woman or girls and its is simple and yet very complex witch I love. Behind the dress there is also the hole philanthropist work of DVF. A work about fashion, about life and art and about how to lead your life. Maybe It was so powerful to me because everything that she talked about were things that i was saying for a long time, the best relationship is with yourself, it s very important to be true to yourself.... However, it is true and sometimes we dont want to see or we have to take so decision in order to make our life move in a good way. Those are real guide lines that can help you as life advices. I thought it helped me out in my convictions and in things that I could not accept and in fact should not accept or tolerate and that was indeed a normal reaction.

I would like to recommend those two books to anyone who is curious and really you will spend a real good time getting yourself richer and better in life. See you hope you will like the projects that I am gonna do for her.



Tag(s) : #Fashion Fashion illustration illustrations, #fashion comic illustration
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